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Aesthetics and holiness are two lines that will meet at a future point. Everyone is waiting for the moment of explosion, for the unexpected result that will appear from the fusion of these two powerful elements. Such fluctuations and meeting fragments have already occurred in the history of the young state of Israel that gave off a European smell, when everyone was sure that the end of summer was here and the happy ending was imminent. In the current exhibition I mobilize the historical moments in order to formulate a proposal for a futuristic utopia that is both religious and aesthetic. Questions that have never been asked receive a contemporary interpretation, in what vehicle will the Messiah come? What                                      brand will he wear? What will the Temple look like?

Hekdesh, performence 1.

Performence 2.

Hekdesh, Golden chocolate coins.

Performence 3.

The cherubim, archive print on paper.

Waiting for the Messiah 1, charcoal on paper.

Waiting for the Messiah 2, charcoal on paper.

Installation view by Daniel Hanoch.

    Ⓒ copyright by Didi Khalifa
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